On December 01, 2019 Porosh organized for the senior citizens of Golf Green an awareness programme on Dementia and Safety & Security. It was attended by approximately 165 persons.
Sri Aroop Biswas (Honourable Minister) was invited as the Chief Guest. Special Guest was Sri Tapan Dasgupta (Honourable Chairman and Councillor – Borough 10).
Dr. Prosenjit Sengupta (Neurologist) explained at length in a very lucid manner the symptoms and causes of dementia afflicting a sizeable proportion of senior people. Sri Ritodeep Mukherjee from ARDSI shared his experiences of dealing of dealing with dementia afflicted patients and how care is offered to individuals. However, both of them agreed on the fact that degeneration of dementia is irreversible. It can be checked through proper nurturance.
Sri Debatosh Basak (APC – South Suburban) also graced the occasion. He offered various tips to avoid inviting trouble on oneself unnecessarily.