After a hiatus of more than two years Porosh brought it members together under the same roof, quite literally so, over a day of cha, adda and khaoa daoa. Although we have been eager to organize such a gathering since long yet the Covid induced restrictions & anxiety in the minds of the members prompted us to wait till an opportune moment arose. Thus, we had to wait till June 22 nd .
The members either came on their own, or vehicles were organized to bring them to a prominent South Kolkata club. After initial meeting and greeting of the
members over snacks & tea/ coffee, a quiz session was organized. It drew enthusiastic participation not only from the four teams but also members of
audience. The winners received gift hampers. Rest of the participants were pleasantly surprised to receive gifts as well. Before lunch two of the empaneled
doctors – Dr. Mitra and Dr. Chakraborty - shared their experience of being associated with Porosh and wished all the members pink of health.
Lunch was quite elaborate comprising veg and non-veg items. Icing on the top was paan which was relished by most. Infact it reminded a few of biye bari which they
seem to be missing since long. Most heartening was to observe animated discussions among the members over lunch and occasional cracking of jokes
followed by roll of laughter. The entire hall reverberated with energy and life.After all, this is what we were looking forward to.
Post lunch, some of the members volunteered to share their personal experiences in terms of care offered by Porosh. A few became emotional too. However, there
were others who either recited, or sang much to the appreciation from the rest.
Finally, curtains were rolled-down at 4 pm with expectation for yet another get-together over high-tea running high.