In several of Porosh’s blogs it has been highlighted, though in a subtle manner, how it keeps on innovating and brings about incremental changes for rendering better services to its members i.e. the senior citizens. Such a mindset prompts the team to remain sensitive to the socio-economic changes and their implications for Porosh. No wonder Covid19 induced pandemic failed to mar raw energy that it stands for. The section on ‘Voice of Customer – VoC’ in the website bears ample testimony to that.
During the period of crisis induced by corona virus we realized how important it is for us to get a platform enabling cross-fertilization of ideas. It is then that the idea to get Porosh registered with the vibrant ‘Startup India’ community under the aegis of Government of India struck a chord with us. Had Porosh not run its enterprise by fulfilling the basic criteria in line with the laws of the land such recognition would have never comes its way so early.
Porosh has now received an opportunity to get mentored by some of the best minds from its domain, or even outside. We sincerely believe it will go a long way to put us in firm stead. We can assure our members that Porosh is passionate about what it does. Resting on past laurels is anathema to its raison detre. Porosh strives consistently to improve its service quality for its members who happen to be the elderly citizens.