Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. While it is true that the ultra violet rays of the Sun are harmful and have thus made us sun-phobic yet exposure to the Sun does not mean burning the skin, or getting tanned. The key lies in safe, limited, healthy and strategic exposure to sun.
By depriving ourselves from healthy exposure, we miss out on optimizing on the numerous benefits of vitamin D required to build bones, reduce inflammation, and build strong immune system. Vitamin D can also prevent many types of cancer. Chromo Therapy is just another name for Sun Therapy.
Usually the notion is that basking in the sun is the job of lazy ones. But in fact it is not so. It gives tremendous benefits to our health when we make it our habit to have sun bath every day. In the morning one should have sun bath with fewer clothes. The duration should be 10-15 minutes in the summer and 20-30 minutes in the winter.
It is said that where there is darkness there is death and decay. Indeed it is due to the sun light that life is possible in this earth. The houses where the sun rays do not reach easily host insects and germs.
Sun rays improve vitality and alleviates from nervous disability.
Empowers the digestion, stimulates the digestive fire and increases the force of excretion. Gives mobility to the blood, cures all the skin diseases and strengthens bones. It also increases the proportion of calcium, phosphorus, and iron in the blood.
Dr. Babette says, “Sun rays increases strength, intelligence and beauty.” By the use of sunrays we can make very effective medicines. Sun charged water, oil, sugar, glycerine etc. can be used to cure many more diseases.
Some of the essential benefits of the sun rays are:
boost bone health and strengthens teeth
boost the immune system. The white blood cells called lymphocytes are activated by exposure to the sun which play a major role in guarding the body against infections.
unique healing power by way of disinfecting and healing wounds and also kill bad bacteria. Fungal infection of the skin is cured.
protect against dementia and brain aging
loss of excess fat
decreasing symptoms of asthma
beneficial effect on skin disorders such as psoriasis, acne and eczema by penetrating deep into the skin to cleanse the blood and the blood vessels.
lower high cholesterol by converting high cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones.
also known to lower blood pressure in those suffering from high blood pressure.
activate the cells and tissues by increasing the flow of oxygen in the blood. Sunlight has great impact on building stamina and fitness of individuals.
positively increase growth and height of children, especially babies. The amount of sun exposure in new born babies till 4-5 months has an great impact on the growth of the child.
Sunlight is a great mood uplifter. Infact people in cold countries celebrate sunny days because it is a rare feat for them and hugely cures depression.
The mantra is right, moderate and slow exposure to the sun. Do not be vitamin D deficient by depriving your body of natural vitamin D direct from the sun.
(Adapted from ‘Healing benefits of sun bath’ from https://www.natural-cure.org/home-remedy/healing-benefits-of-sun-bath/