Elder care services in Kolkata is still in its nascent stage. Established and reputed organizations in the city are considered as torchbearers for providing services to the senior citizens of Kolkata in a professional manner. Such organizations have rendered yeomen service by making Kolkatans aware that old age is not a curse for those whose children are away from their parents due to professional commitments.
We in Porosh feel the number of concerns who are operating in this landscape are too few in number given the surging need for elder care services. However, it comes with a caveat. There is a high possibility that a few may be tempted to earn quick bucks by looking at it as a sound business proposition. As a result, the spirit of serving senior citizens will become a casualty. Needless to add, this will make them and their children wary of availing such services. That will indeed be unfortunate. So, what should be the approach? Porosh can share a few points based on its experience:
a) ‘Genuine’ personal touch works wonder
b) Promising less, delivering more
c) Honesty pays. It helps on winning confidence of the members.
d) Transparency in pricing the services (no hidden cost)
e) Designing packages in a manner which are easy to understand
f) Walking the extra mile during emergency
g) Treating members as one’s own parents
These are some of the basic principles, which if adhered to, can create a healthy ecosystem where the service providers and seekers can live happily and peacefully. Mutual trust can be fostered as well. Who knows it may turn Kolkata an ideal destination for the senior citizens to settle-down during the twilight years. Kolkata can very be a trend-setter.